Test Timeline

West Sumatra earthquake

7.6Mw earthquake northwest of Padang. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2009_Sumatra_earthquakes

Humanitarian Reform process

Formation of the global cluster system – to address gaps in humanitarian response, and attempt to improve the timeliness, effectiveness and predictability response efforts.

Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami
Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami

A 9.3Mw Earthquake struck Indonesia, with an epicentre off the west coast of northern Sumatra causing a series of tsunamis killing over 200,000 people across 14 countries.

Woven Bamboo Project
Woven Bamboo Project

Latest updates from the Yabbiekayu current project. We got all the artists and bamboo architects arrived 4 days ago and started to work on the day 3 after some big discussions about designs and consolidating materials and tools. Bamboo treatment process ongoing while the other part of the team working…
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CORE TOT Manokwari
CORE TOT Manokwari

It’s good to be back in CORE TOT training again! This time we’re delivering training for Papua’s government officials and civil society from today until Friday. Very warm enthusiastic participants! Our training in Manokwari wrapped and ended beautifully. Participants were very hungry for new knowledge and skills, and it was…
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Flores Wind and Erosion Hazard Mitigation Phase II
Flores Wind and Erosion Hazard Mitigation Phase II

Our team has got an opportunity to come back to Flores to deliver a technical training on wind resistance shelter. The project facilitated by Partners for Resilience (PfR) aimed to enhance local capacity in mitigating strong wind that happened to be the most destructive hazard the locals will have to…
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AYO! Bicara HIV AIDS TOT Training
AYO! Bicara HIV AIDS TOT Training

Pada 15-19 Juli, berkolaborasi dengan Bali Spirit Festival dan Hijau Biru, Humanitarian Benchmark memfasilitasi pelatihan untuk fasilitator-fasilitator Bali yang biasanya bekerja untuk isu HIV dan AIDS. Pelatihan dimaksudkan untuk meningkatkan kapasitas fasilitator agar mereka bisa menjadi fasilitator yang lebih efektif untuk program AYO! Bicara HIV & AIDS Bali.

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CORE 101 + AIFDR Yogyakarta
CORE 101 + AIFDR Yogyakarta

It has been an amazing week (21-25 April) in Yogyakarta with BNPB, BPBD staffs and CDSP AIFDR consultants, where we were using participatory and adult learning approach to work hand in hand learning basics and principles of humanitarian topics and international best practices and compared it with Indonesian regulation, law…
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CORE TOT Yogyakarta
CORE TOT Yogyakarta

Training in Facilitation Skills for Disaster Managers

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Mentawai Megathrust DIREx
Mentawai Megathrust DIREx

This week BNPB holds Mentawai Megathrust Disaster Relief exercise in West Sumatera. As one of the biggest DRR event in Indonesia, it’s a great exercise involving wide actors in disaster management. Please visit http://bnpb.go.id/mmdirex2013-2014/?page=home to learn more about this initiative. There are downloadable resources including exercise scenario and various speech…
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CORE TOT West Java
CORE TOT West Java

Terhitung sejak tanggal 2 sampai 8 Maret, tim Humanitarian Benchmark memfasilitasi pelatihan CORE TOT bagi kawan-kawan dari BPBD dan Forum PRB Jawa Barat. Pelatihan yang didukung oleh IOM Jawa Barat ini diharapkan mampu meningkatkan kapasitas pemangku kepentingan dalam bidang kebencanaan dan mampu menyebarluaskan keterampilan fasilitasi di Jawa Barat.

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Flores Wind and Erosion Hazard Mitigation
Flores Wind and Erosion Hazard Mitigation

From an amazing trip to Flores in giving technical advice and training on wind hazard mitigation, prevention actions & erosion control on 11-15 Dec

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